Charm mass dependence of the weak hamiltonian in chiral perturbation theory

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Charm mass dependence of the weak hamiltonian in chiral perturbation theory

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Hernández Gamazo, Pilar; Laine, Mikko
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2004

Suppose that the weak interaction Hamiltonian of four-flavour SU(4) chiral effective theory is known, for a small charm quark mass m_c. We study how the weak Hamiltonian changes as the charm quark mass increases, by integrating it out within chiral perturbation theory to obtain a three-flavour SU(3) chiral theory. We find that the ratio of the SU(3) low-energy constants which mediate Delta I=1/2 and Delta I=3/2 transitions, increases rather rapidly with m_c, as \sim m_c ln (1/m_c). The logarithmic effect originates from 'penguin-type' charm loops, and could represent one of the reasons for the Delta I=1/2 rule.
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