Neutrinos that violate CPT, and the experiments that love them

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Neutrinos that violate CPT, and the experiments that love them

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Barenboim Szuchman, Gabriela Alejandra; Borissov, Liubomir; Lykken, Joseph
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2002

Recently we proposed a framework for explaining the observed evidence for neutrino oscillations without enlarging the neutrino sector, by introducing CPT violating Dirac masses for the neutrinos. In this paper we continue the exploration of the phenomenology of CPT violation in the neutrino sector. We show that our CPT violating model fits the existing SuperKamiokande data at least as well as the standard atmospheric neutrino oscillation models. We discuss the challenge of measuring CP violation in a neutrino sector that also violates CPT. We point out that the proposed off-axis extension of MINOS looks especially promising in this regard. Finally, we describe a method to compute CPT violating neutrino effects by mocking them up with analog matter effects.
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