The long way to Ithaca. The reconfiguration of the urban political spaces in Southern Europe

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The long way to Ithaca. The reconfiguration of the urban political spaces in Southern Europe

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Seixas, Maria Joao es 2015-04-29T11:00:56Z 2015-04-29T11:00:56Z 2015 es
dc.identifier.citation Seixas, Maria Joao. The long way to Ithaca. The reconfiguration of the urban political spaces in Southern Europe. En: Terra : revista de desarrollo local, 2015, : 23 es
dc.description.abstract This text frames a reflection upon the recent evolution on the sociopolitical and governance landscapes in urban Southern Europe. A global analysis of urban/metropolitan geographical and political tendencies is here made, from the most recent economic crisis and austerity politics years, towards expected future perspectives. The example of Lisbon metropolitan Area is exposed as a concrete case to show the pressures and the induced (and deduced) changes presently at stake. The analysis is set out on three different parts: a general reflection upon urban paradigm shifts and it’s still quite relevant unbalances and misunderstandings; an overall southern European geographical and political urban analytical perspective; and a proposed systematization of consequent political as well as research development needs. The text concludes with a systematized proposal of main diagnosis vectors, as well of possible main drivers and focuses for present and future southern European urban sociopolitical analysis. es
dc.subject Estudios regionales y locales es
dc.subject Humanidades es
dc.title The long way to Ithaca. The reconfiguration of the urban political spaces in Southern Europe es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::GEOGRAFÍA es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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