Color anomaly and flavor-singlet axial charge of the proton in the chiral bag: The Cheshire Cat revisited

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Color anomaly and flavor-singlet axial charge of the proton in the chiral bag: The Cheshire Cat revisited

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Rho, Mannque; Vento Torres, Vicente
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1997

Quantum effects inside the chiral bag induce a color anomaly which requires a compensating surface term to prevent breakdown of color gauge invariance. We show that the presence of this surface term first discovered several years ago allows one to derive in a gauge-invariant way a chiral-bag version of the Shore-Veneziano two-component formula for the flavor-singlet axial charge of the proton. This has relevance to what is referred to as the ¿proton spin problem¿ on the one hand and to the Cheshire-Cat phenomenon in hadron structure on the other. We show that when calculated to the leading order in the color gauge coupling and for a specific color electric monopole configuration in the bag, one can obtain a striking Cheshire-Cat phenomenon with a negligibly small singlet axial charge.
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