Evidence for the flavor singlet axial anomaly related effects in phi meson electromagnetic production at large momentum transfers

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Evidence for the flavor singlet axial anomaly related effects in phi meson electromagnetic production at large momentum transfers

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Kochelev, Nikolai; Vento Torres, Vicente
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2001

The gluonic contributions to the conventional PCAC formulas due to flavor singlet axial anomaly have been instrumental in explaining the mass of the η′ and providing a plausible explanation for solving the spin crisis. We show that they also play an important role in the description of photo- and electroproduction of vector mesons at low energy and high momentum transfers. We calculate the contributions of this type to ϕ meson electromagnetic production in a model, which contains also a soft pomeron, and find agreement with recent CLAS data.
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