Counseling and attention for the diversity: description of programs and actions in some emerging groups

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Counseling and attention for the diversity: description of programs and actions in some emerging groups

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Bayot, Agustín; del Rincón, Benito; Hernádez Pina, Fuensanta
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2002

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This article offers points for reflection, practical elements and criteria for adoption in relation to addressing diversity and its orientation. Formal and informal contexts are dealt with from a social and educational perspective; the diversity which can be found in the ordinary population and those included within the so called “emerging groups” are also focused on. Within this framework the function of the educational psychologist lies not only in knowing the basic characteristics of the groups which most represent diversity and in evaluating specific situations, but also in bringing solutions to the problems specific to each group, both as individuals and as a collective, by means of the creation and application of programmes of intervention. Our contribution concentrates on the description of the problems presented by certain groups and proposing effective plans for action.
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