New extraction of color-octet NRQCD matrix elements from charmonium hadroproduction

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New extraction of color-octet NRQCD matrix elements from charmonium hadroproduction

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Sanchis Lozano, Miguel Ángel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2000

We re-analyze Tavatron data on charmonium hadroproduction in the framework of the color-octet model implemented in the event generator PYTHIA taking into account initial-state radiation of gluons and Altarelli-Parisi evolution of final-state gluons fragmenting into cc¯ pairs. We obtain new values for the color-octet matrix elements relevant to this production process. We discuss the sensitivity of our results to the transverse momentum lower cut-off employed in the generation to avoid the problematic pt→0 region, arguing about the reliability of our previous extraction of the NRQCD matrix elements for the 3S(8)1 and 1S(8)0+3P(8)J contributions. Finally we extrapolate to LHC energies to get predictions on the J/ψ direct production rate.
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