Título: Effect of practice, mapping, stimulus and size on string matching revista: Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1987, 65, 991-994. Clave: A

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Título: Effect of practice, mapping, stimulus and size on string matching revista: Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1987, 65, 991-994. Clave: A

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Algarabel González, Salvador; Soler, María José; Pitarque, Alfonso
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1987

The same-different discrepancy on a matching task on which the subject had to determine the number of common elements (physically identical and appearing in the same position) between two strings of size 1 to 4 was investigated. Manipulated also were the type of presentation (fixed or varied sets), amount of practice (four blocks), and type of stimulus (letters, words). Reaction times for pure positive responses (all same at each level) were faster than negative responses (all different), confirming the usual discrepancy shown in previous studies. The discrepancy was smaller for well-learned sets (fixed sets) and for words, indicating the development of a comparison process based on global characteristics of the stimulus.
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