Género y Postcolonialismo en la creación videográfica. Mujeres que escriben con la cámara y seducen en la pantalla

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Género y Postcolonialismo en la creación videográfica. Mujeres que escriben con la cámara y seducen en la pantalla

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Castañer López, Xesqui
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

Postcolonialism and feminism use common concepts for the analysis and de/construction of the dominant narratives. In countries where the colonization wreaked havoc, the women are putting in value the power as decision makers as protagonists of their destination. In this point of view, the women have contributed with their feminist offers to a colonial/postcolonial new view. This paper tries to do a checkup for those women¿s video works that, after they having being colonized, they have realized a cultural decolonization,placing their creativity in several continents.
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