Rail freight transport and demand requirements : an analysis of attribute cut-offs through a stated preference experiment

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Rail freight transport and demand requirements : an analysis of attribute cut-offs through a stated preference experiment

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Feo Valero, María; García Menéndez, Leandro; Saz Salazar, Salvador del
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

This paper analyses the choice between road and rail in Spain where rail market share for freight is still residual. Discrete choice models are estimated with data obtained through a two-phase fieldwork, thus allowing us to carry out a stated preference efficient design for each interviewee. We analyse the existence of attribute cut-offs and the presence of a segment of the population with a zero value of frequency. Our results show that ignoring the existence of cut-offs and segments of the population with polarised valuations can lead to erroneous conclusions in terms of the possibilities of rail for absorbing significant quota.
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