GEICO (Spanish Group for Investigation on Ovarian Cancer) treatment guidelines in ovarian cancer 2012

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GEICO (Spanish Group for Investigation on Ovarian Cancer) treatment guidelines in ovarian cancer 2012

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González Martín, A.; Redondo, A.; Jurado, M.; De Juan, A.; Romero, I.; Bover, I.; Del Campo, J. M.; Cervantes Ruipérez, Andrés; García, Y.; López Guerrero, José Antonio; Mendiola, C.; Palacios, José; Rubio, M. J.; Poveda Velasco, A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

In 2006, under the auspices of The Spanish Research Group for Ovarian Cancer (Spanish initials GEICO), the first “Treatment Guidelines in Ovarian Cancer” were developed and then published in Clinical and Translational Oncology by Poveda Velasco et al. (Clin Transl Oncol 9(5):308–316, 2007). Almost 6 years have elapsed and over this time, we have seen some important developments in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Significant changes were also introduced after the GCIG-sponsored 4th Consensus Conference on Ovarian Cancer by Stuart et al. (Int J Gynecol Cancer 21:750–755, 2011). So we decided to update the treatment guidelines in ovarian cancer and, with this objective, a group of investigators of the GEICO group met in February 2012. This study summarizes the presentations, discussions and evidence that were reviewed during the meeting and during further discussions of the manuscript.
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