Fermion Masses and the UV Cutoff of the Minimal Realistic Su (5) model

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Fermion Masses and the UV Cutoff of the Minimal Realistic Su (5) model

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Dorsner, Ilja; Fileviez Pérez, Pavel; Rodrigo García, Germán Vicente
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

We investigate the predictions for fermion masses in the minimal realistic non-supersymmetric SU(5) model with the Standard Model matter content. The possibility to achieve b-\tau unification is studied taking into account all relevant effects. In addition, we show how to establish an upper bound on the ultraviolet cutoff \Lambda of the theory which is compatible with the Yukawa couplings at the grand unified scale and proton decay. We find \Lambda \simeq 10^{17} GeV, to be considered a conservative upper bound on the cutoff. We also provide up-to-date values of all the fermions masses at the electroweak scale.
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