Gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking via seesaw mechanisms

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Gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking via seesaw mechanisms

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Fileviez Pérez, Pavel; Iminniyaz, Hoernisa; Rodrigo García, Germán Vicente; Spinner, Sogee
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

We present a simple scenario for gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking (GMSB) where the messengers are also the fields that generate neutrino masses. We show that the simplest such scenario corresponds to the case where neutrino masses are generated through the type I and type III seesaw mechanisms. The entire supersymmetric spectrum and Higgs masses are calculable from only four input parameters. Since the electroweak symmetry is broken through a doubly radiative mechanism, meaning a nearly zero B term at the messenger scale which runs down to acceptable values, one obtains quite a constrained spectrum for the supersymmetric particles whose properties we describe. We refer to this mechanism as 'nu GMSB.''
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