rho rho N and rho rho Delta molecules with J(P)=5/2(+) and J(P)=7/2(+)

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rho rho N and rho rho Delta molecules with J(P)=5/2(+) and J(P)=7/2(+)

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Sun, Bao Xi; Chen, H.X.; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

The rho rho N and rho rho Delta three-body systems have been studied within the framework of the fixed center approximation of Faddeev equation. The rho rho interaction in isospin I = 0, spin S = 2 is strongly attractive, and so are the N rho, Delta rho interactions. This leads to bound states of both rho rho N and rho rho Delta. We find peaks of the modulus squared of the scattering matrix around 2227 MeV for rho rho N, and 2372 MeV for rho rho Delta. Yet, the strength of the peak for the rho rho N amplitude is much smaller than for rho rho Delta, weakening the case for a rho rho N bound state, or a dominant rho rho N component. A discussion is made on how these states can be searched for in present programs looking for multimeson final states in different reactions.
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