Radiative decays of the Y(3940), Z(3930), and the X(4160) as dynamically generated resonances

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Radiative decays of the Y(3940), Z(3930), and the X(4160) as dynamically generated resonances

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Branz, Tanja; Molina Peralta, Raquel; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

We study the radiative decay properties of the charmonium-like X, Y and Z mesons generated dynamically from vector meson-vector meson interaction in the framework of a unitarized hidden-gauge formalism. In the present work we calculate the one- and two-photon decay widths of the hidden-charm Y(3940), Z(3930) (or X(3915)) and X(4160) mesons in the framework of the vector meson dominance formalism. We obtain good agreement with experiment in case of the two photon width of the X(3915) which we associate with the 2+ resonance that we find at 3922 MeV.
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