Faddeev fixed-center approximation to the N K K(bar) system and the signature of a N*(1920)(1/2+) state

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Faddeev fixed-center approximation to the N K K(bar) system and the signature of a N*(1920)(1/2+) state

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Xie, J. J.; Martínez Torres, Alberto; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

We perform a calculation for the three body NK¯K scattering amplitude by using the fixed center approximation to the Faddeev equations, taking the interaction between N and K¯, N and K, and K¯ and K from the chiral unitary approach. The resonant structures show up in the modulus squared of the three body scattering amplitude and suggest that a NK¯K hadron state can be formed. Our results are in agreement with others obtained in previous theoretical works, which claim a new N∗ resonance around 1920 MeV with spin-parity JP=1/2+. The existence of these previous works allows us to test the accuracy of the fixed center approximation in the present problem and sets the grounds for possible application in similar problems, as an explorative tool to determine bound or quasibound three hadron systems.
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