The nature of Lambda(1405) hyperon resonance in chiral dynamics

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The nature of Lambda(1405) hyperon resonance in chiral dynamics

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Jido, D.; Sekihara, T.; Ikeda, Y.; Hyodo, T.; Kanada-En'yo, Y.; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

The nature of the Lambda(1405) is discussed based on the unitarised coupled-channels approach with chiral dynamics (chiral unitary model). This approach describes the Kbar N scattering cross sections and the Lambda(1405) spectra phenomenologically very well. With this successful description of Lambda(1405), it is found that the Lambda(1405) is composed by two resonance states having different coupling nature to the meson-baryon states. As a consequence, the resonance position in the pi Sigma invariant mass spectrum depends on the initial channel of the Lambda(1405) production. To observe the Lambda(1405) initiated by the Kbar N channel, K^- d to Lambda(1405) n is one of the most favorable reactions. Hadronic molecule states with kaons are also discussed by emphasizing an important role of Lambda(1405) as a quasibound state of Kbar N.
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