A model for pi Delta electroproduction on the proton

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A model for pi Delta electroproduction on the proton

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Nácher Díez, José Carlos; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2000

We have extended a model for the γN→ππN reaction to virtual photons and selected the diagrams which have a Δ in the final state. With this model we have evaluated cross sections for the virtual photon cross section as a function of Q2 for different energies. The agreement found with the γvp→Δ0π+ and γvp→Δ++π− reactions is good. The sensitivity of the results to NΔ transition form factors is also studied. The present reaction, selecting a particular final state, is an extra test for models of the γvN→ππN amplitude. The experimental measurement of the different isospin channels for this reaction are encouraged as a means to unravel the dynamics of the two pions photoproduction processes.
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