Double pion photoproduction on the nucleon: Study of the isospin channels

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Double pion photoproduction on the nucleon: Study of the isospin channels

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Gómez Tejedor, José Antonio; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1996

A model for the gamma p ----> pion+ pion- p reaction developed earlier is extended to account for all isospin channels. The model includes N, Delta(1232), N^*(1440) and N^*(1520) as intermediate baryonic states and the rho-meson as an intermediate two pion resonance. Although many terms contribute to the cross section, some channels exhibit particular sensitivity to certain mechanisms of resonance excitation or decay and the reactions provide novel information on such mechanisms. In particular the gamma N ----> N^*(1520) ----> Delta(1232) pion process affects all the channels and is a key ingredient in the interpretation of the data. Comparison is made with all available data and the agreement is good in some channels. The remaining discrepancies in some other channels are discussed.
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