Searching for signatures around 1920 MeV of a N-* state of three hadron nature

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Searching for signatures around 1920 MeV of a N-* state of three hadron nature

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Martínez Torres, Alberto; Khemchandani, K. P.; Meissner, Ulf-G.; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

We provide a series of arguments which support the idea that the peak seen in the γp→K+Λ reaction around 1920 MeV should correspond to the recently predicted state of JP=1/2+ as a bound state of KK¯N with a mixture of a0(980)N and f0(980)N components. At the same time we propose polarization experiments in that reaction as a further test of the prediction, as well as a study of the total cross section for γp→K+K−p at energies close to threshold and of dσ/dMinv for invariant masses close to the two kaon threshold.
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