Scalar, axial-vector, and tensor resonances from the rho D-*, omega D-* interaction in the hidden gauge formalism

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Scalar, axial-vector, and tensor resonances from the rho D-*, omega D-* interaction in the hidden gauge formalism

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Molina Peralta, Raquel; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hosaka, Atsushi; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

We study composite systems of light (ρ and ω) and heavy (D∗) vector mesons by using the interaction within the hidden gauge formalism. We find a strong attraction in the isospin, spin channels (I,S)=(1/2,0); (1/2,1); (1/2,2) with positive parity. The attraction is large enough to strongly bind these mesons in states with these quantum numbers, leading to states which can be identified with D∗2(2460) and probably with D∗(2640), the last one without experimental spin and parity assignment. In the case of I=3/2 one obtains repulsion and thus, no exotic mesons in this sector are generated in the approach.
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