eta ->pi(0)gamma gamma decay within a chiral unitary approach revisited

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eta ->pi(0)gamma gamma decay within a chiral unitary approach revisited

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Oset Báguena, Eulogio; Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón; Roca Zamora, Luis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

n view of the recent experimental developments on the experimental side in the η→π0γγ decay, and the fact that the Particle Data Group in the on line edition of 2007 reports sizable changes of the radiative decay widths of vector mesons used as input in the theoretical calculations of \cite{eta}, a reevaluation of the decay width of the η in this channel has been done, reducing its uncertainty by almost a factor of two. The new input of the PDG is used and invariant mass distributions and total widths are compared with the most recent results from AGS, MAMI and preliminary ones of KLOE. The agreement of the theory with the AGS and MAMI data is very good, both for the total rates as well as for the invariant mass distributions of the two photons.
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