La tutela del giovane atleta nell'equilibrio tra specificità dello sport e diritto comunitario

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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La tutela del giovane atleta nell'equilibrio tra specificità dello sport e diritto comunitario

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Ripa, Lorenzo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

This essay confronts issues related between the relationship of sport rules and EU's law, analyzing the Court of Justice's judgments, from cases Walrave to Meca Medina, which have affected more than others on that relationship. Later, the study focuses on the safeguard of the young athlete through the evaluation of the federal rules that could be an obstacle to the realization of European values. Specifically, this essay considers the so-called sport bond and the training fees, in order to assess any invalidity profiles in comparison with the social and educational role of sport of the art. 165 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
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