Possible omega bound states in nuclei produced with the (gamma, p) reaction

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Possible omega bound states in nuclei produced with the (gamma, p) reaction

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Kaskulov, Murat M.; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

We perform calculations for ω production in nuclei by means of the (γ,p) reaction for photon energies and proton angles suited to currently running and future experiments in present laboratories. For some cases of possible ω optical potentials, we find that clear peaks are observable when a good resolution in the ω energy is available. We also study the inclusive production of π(0)γ in nuclei around the ω energy and find a double hump structure for the energy spectra, with a peak around a π(0)γ energy of m(ω) -100 MeV, which could easily be misidentified by a signal of an ω bound state in nuclei, while it is actually due to a different scaling of the uncorrelated π(0)γ production and ω production with subsequent π(0)γ decay.
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