Unitary chiral dynamics in J/Psi decays into VPP and the role of the scalar mesons

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Unitary chiral dynamics in J/Psi decays into VPP and the role of the scalar mesons

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Roca Zamora, Luis; Palomar Burdeus, Juan Esteban; Oset Báguena, Eulogio; Chiang, H.C.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

We make a theoretical study of the $\J$ decays into ωππ, ϕππ, ωKK¯ and ϕKK¯ using the techniques of the chiral unitary approach stressing the important role of the scalar resonances dynamically generated through the final state interaction of the two pseudoscalar mesons. We also discuss the importance of new mechanisms with intermediate exchange of vector and axial-vector mesons and the role played by the OZI rule in the $\J\phi\pi\pi$ vertex, quantifying its effects. The results nicely reproduce the experimental data for the invariant mass distributions in all the channels considered.
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