eta ->pi(0)gamma gamma decay within a chiral unitary approach

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eta ->pi(0)gamma gamma decay within a chiral unitary approach

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Oset Báguena, Eulogio; Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón; Roca Zamora, Luis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003

We improve the calculations of the η⃗ π0γγ decay within the context of meson chiral Lagrangians. We use a chiral unitary approach for the meson-meson interaction, thus generating the a0(980) resonance and fixing the long standing sign ambiguity on its contribution. This also allows us to calculate the loops with one vector meson exchange, thus removing a former source of uncertainty. In addition we ensure the consistency of the approach with other processes, first, by using vector meson dominance couplings normalized to agree with radiative vector meson decays and, second, by checking the consistency of the calculations with the related γγ⃗ π0η reaction. We find an η⃗ π0γγ decay width of 0.47±0.10eV, in clear disagreement with published data but in remarkable agreement with the most recent measurement.
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