The N*(1520)->Delta pi amplitudes extracted from the gamma p->pi(+)pi(-)p reaction and comparison to quark models

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The N*(1520)->Delta pi amplitudes extracted from the gamma p->pi(+)pi(-)p reaction and comparison to quark models

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Gómez Tejedor, José Antonio; Cano Vargas, Florencio; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1996

The gamma p ---> pi+ pi- p reaction, in combination with data from the pi N ---> pi pi N reaction, allows one to obtain the s- and d-wave amplitudes for the N*(1520) decay into Delta pi with absolute sign with respect to the N*(1520) ---> N gamma helicity amplitudes. In addition one obtains the novel information on the q dependence of the amplitudes. This dependence fits exactly with the predictions of the non-relativistic constituent quark models. The absolute values provided by these models agree only qualitatively, and a discussion is done on the reasons for it and possible ways to improve.
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