A Theoretical approach to the (pi-, gamma gamma) reaction in nuclei

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A Theoretical approach to the (pi-, gamma gamma) reaction in nuclei

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Gil Gómez, Amparo; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1995

We have studied the pion^{-} capture in nuclei leading to two photons, using improved many body methods which have been tested with success in one photon pion^{-} radiative capture, muon^{-} capture and neutrino scattering. The qualitative features of the experimental data are reproduced but there are still some disagreement at small relative photon angles. The reaction is a potential source of information on details of the gamma-gamma-pion-pion vertex where chiral corrections can be relevant. New and more precise experiments are planned which make calculations like the present one relevant and opportune.
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