Quark effects, meson-exchange currents and background in the d(e,e'p)delta reaction

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Quark effects, meson-exchange currents and background in the d(e,e'p)delta reaction

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Gómez Tejedor, José Antonio; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1994

We have studied in detail the cross section for the d( e, e' p) Δ reaction leading to the emission of a fast nucleon and a Δ at rest, which has been advocated as a tool to investigate quark effects in nuclei. We find that ordinary meson-exchange currents mechanisms dominate the quark-exchange effects in the region of excitation of the Δ nd could be competitive at higher energies. Furthermore, at these higher energies, the small cross sections for the quark signal, together with the presence of a background about one order of magnitude bigger than the quark signal, make in any case the extraction of information about quark-exchange currents effects extraordinarily difficult.
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