Low Lying axial-vector mesons as dynamically generated resonances

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Low Lying axial-vector mesons as dynamically generated resonances

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Oset Báguena, Eulogio; Roca Zamora, Luis; Singh, Jaivir
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

We make a theoretical study of the s-wave interaction of the nonet of vector mesons with the octet of pseudoscalar mesons starting from a chiral invariant Lagrangian and implementing unitarity in coupled channels. By looking for poles in the unphysical Riemann sheets of the unitarized scattering amplitudes, we get two octets and one singlet of axial-vector dynamically generated resonances. The poles found can be associated to most of the low lying axial-vector resonances quoted in the Particle Data Book: b1(1235), h1(1170), h1(1380), a1(1260), f1(1285) and two poles to the K1(1270) resonance. We evaluate the couplings of the resonances to the VP states and the partial decay widths in order to reinforce the arguments in the discussion.
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