La funzione del contratto di cessione dei beni ai creditori nell'ordinamento attuale

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La funzione del contratto di cessione dei beni ai creditori nell'ordinamento attuale

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Giorgini, Erika es 2015-09-10T07:13:57Z 2015-09-10T07:13:57Z 2015 es
dc.identifier.citation Giorgini, Erika. La funzione del contratto di cessione dei beni ai creditori nell'ordinamento attuale. En: Actualidad jurídica iberoamericana, 2015, Número 3: 213-230 es
dc.description.abstract The essay analyzes the contract for the sale of assets to creditors and, in particular, its function. The study is conducted taking into account the historical evolution of the contract both in Italy and in the main civil law countries in Europe. As a result of comparison shows the innovativeness of the figure governed by Articles 1977-1986 c.c., especially for being this contract an example of a voluntary transfer that has as its purpose the liquidation of the debtor's assets and consequently the creditor satisfaction. The contract in question turns out to be a remedy designed to achieve the purposes of the financial liability. In this context, it is also clear that the contract for the sale of assets to creditors along with the thrust in favor of private autonomy in the resolution of the crisis and, consequently, new role of the discharge can help to induce us to rethink the idea of obligation and fulfillment of the same en_US
dc.subject Ciencias jurídicas. Generalidades es
dc.subject Ciencias jurídicas es
dc.title La funzione del contratto di cessione dei beni ai creditori nell'ordinamento attuale es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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