LEP sensitivities to spontaneous R-parity violating signals

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LEP sensitivities to spontaneous R-parity violating signals

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Romao, J. C.; De Campos, F.; García Jareño, Miguel Ángel; Magro, M.B.; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1996

We illustrate the sensitivities of LEP experiments to leptonic signals associated to models where supersymmetry (SUSY) is realized with spontaneous breaking of R-parity. We focus on missing transverse momentum plus acoplanar muon events arising from lightest neutralino single production χν as well as pair production χχ, followed by χ decays, where χ denotes the lightest neutralino. We show that the integrated luminosity achieved at LEP already starts probing the basic parameters of the theory. We discuss the significance of these constraints for the simplest spontaneous R-parity breaking models and their relevance for future searches of SUSY particles.
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