Supernova bounds on resonant active-sterile neutrino conversions

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Supernova bounds on resonant active-sterile neutrino conversions

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Nunokawa, Hiroshi; Peltoniemi, Juha T.; Rossi, Anna; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1997

We discuss the effects of resonant νe→νs and ν¯e→ν¯s (νs is a sterile neutrino) conversions in the dense medium of a supernova. In particular, we assume the sterile neutrino νs to be in the hot dark matter few eV mass range. The implications of such a scenario for the supernova shock re-heating, the detected ν¯e signal from SN1987A and for the r-process nucleosynthesis hypothesis are analysed in some detail. The resulting constraints on mixing and mass difference for the νe−νs system are derived. There is also an allowed region in the neutrino parameter space for which the r-process nucleosynthesis can be enhanced.
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