Lepton Flavor Violation and non-unitarity Lepton Mixing in Low-Scale Type-I Seesaw

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Lepton Flavor Violation and non-unitarity Lepton Mixing in Low-Scale Type-I Seesaw

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Vanegas Forero, David; Morisi, S.; Tórtola Baixauli, María Amparo; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

Within low-scale seesaw mechanisms, such as the inverse and linear seesaw, one expects (i) potentially large lepton flavor violation (LFV) and (ii) sizeable non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI). We consider the interplay between the magnitude of non-unitarity effects in the lepton mixing matrix, and the constraints that follow from LFV searches in the laboratory. We find that NSI parameters can be sizeable, up to percent level in some cases, while LFV rates, such as that for \mu -> e \gamma, lie within current limits, including the recent one set by the MEG collaboration. As a result the upcoming long baseline neutrino experiments offer a window of opportunity for complementary LFV and weak universality tests.
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