Probing nonstandard neutrino-electron interactions with solar and reactor neutrinos

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Probing nonstandard neutrino-electron interactions with solar and reactor neutrinos

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Bolaños, Azucena; Miranda, O.G.; Palazzo, Antonio; Tórtola Baixauli, María Amparo; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

Most neutrino mass extensions of the standard electroweak model entail non-standard interactions which, in the low energy limit, can be parametrized in term of effective four-fermion operators νανβf¯f. Typically of sub-weak strength, ϵαβGF, these are characterized by dimensionless coupling parameters, ϵαβ, which may be relatively sizeable in a wide class of schemes. Here we focus on non-universal (NU) flavor conserving couplings (α=β) with electrons (f=e) and analyse their impact on the phenomenology of solar neutrinos. We consistently take into account their effect both at the level of propagation where they modify the standard MSW behavior, and at the level of detection, where they affect the cross section of neutrino elastic scattering on electrons. We find limits which are comparable to other existing model-independent constraints.
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