Can OPERA help in constraining neutrino non-standard interactions?

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Can OPERA help in constraining neutrino non-standard interactions?

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Esteban Pretel, Andreu; Huber, Patrick; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

We study how much the unique ability of the OPERA experiment to directly detect \nu_\tau can help in probing new, non-standard contact interactions of the third family of neutrinos. We perform a combined analysis of future, high-statistics MINOS and OPERA data. For the case of non-standard interactions in \nu_\mu to \nu_e transitions we also include the impact of possible DoubleCHOOZ data. In all cases we find that the \nu_\tau sample of OPERA is too small to be statistically significant, even if one doubles the nominal exposure of OPERA to 4.5E20 pot. OPERA's real benefit for this measurement lies in its very high neutrino energy and hence very different L/E compared to MINOS.
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