Probing the internal solar magnetic field through g-modes

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Probing the internal solar magnetic field through g-modes

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Rashba, Timur I.; Semikoz, Victor B.; Turck-Chièze, Sylvaine; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

The observation of g-mode candidates by the SoHO mission opens the possibility of probing the internal structure of the solar radiative zone (RZ) and the solar core more directly than possible via the use of the p-mode helioseismology data. We study the effect of rotation and RZ magnetic fields on g-mode frequencies. Using a self-consistent static MHD magnetic field model we show that a 1% g-mode frequency shift with respect to the Solar Seismic Model (SSeM) prediction, currently hinted in the GOLF data, can be obtained for magnetic fields as low as 300 kG, for current measured modes of radial order n=-20. On the other hand, we also argue that a similar shift for the case of the low order g-mode candidate (l=2, n=-3) frequencies can not result from rotation effects nor from central magnetic fields, unless these exceed 8 MG.
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