Enhanced muon-electron conversion in nuclei in the inverse seesaw model

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Enhanced muon-electron conversion in nuclei in the inverse seesaw model

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Deppisch, Frank F.; Kosmas, T.S.; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

We investigate nuclear mu-e conversion in the framework of an effective Lagrangian arising from the inverse seesaw model of neutrino masses. We consider lepton flavour violation interactions that arise from short range (non-photonic) as well as long range (photonic) contributions. Upper bounds for the LFV parameters characterizing mu-e conversion are derived in the inverse seesaw model Lagrangian using the available limits on the mu-e conversion branching ratio, as well as the expected sensitivities of upcoming experiments. We comment on the relative importance of these two types of contributions and their relationship with the measured solar neutrino mixing angle theta_12 and the dependence on theta_13. Finally we show how the LFV mu-e conversion and the mu -> e gamma rates are strongly correlated in this model.
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