Constraining the neutrino magnetic moment with anti-neutrinos from the sun

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Constraining the neutrino magnetic moment with anti-neutrinos from the sun

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Miranda, O.G.; Rashba, Timur I.; Rez, A. I.; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2004

We discuss the impact of different solar neutrino data on the spin-flavor-precession (SFP) mechanism of neutrino conversion. We find that, although detailed solar rates and spectra allow the SFP solution as a sub-leading effect, the recent KamLAND constraint on the solar antineutrino flux places stronger constraints to this mechanism. Moreover, we show that for the case of random magnetic fields inside the Sun, one obtains a more stringent constraint on the neutrino magnetic moment down to the level of \mu_\nu \lsim few \times 10^{-12}\mu_B, similar to bounds obtained from star cooling.
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