Determination of enzymatic activities using a miniaturized system as a rapid method to assess soil quality

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Determination of enzymatic activities using a miniaturized system as a rapid method to assess soil quality

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Boluda Hernández, Juan Rafael Roca Pérez, Luis Iranzo, M. Gil, C. Mormeneo Bernat, Salvador 2015-10-14T12:45:31Z 2015-10-14T12:45:31Z 2014
dc.identifier.citation Boluda Hernández, Juan Rafael; Roca Pérez, Luis; Iranzo, M.; Gil, C.; Mormeneo, S. (2014) Determination of enzymatic activities using a miniaturized system as a rapid method to assess soil quality European Journal of Soil Science 65 286 294
dc.description.abstract Soil quality determination requires the analysis of a number of soil attributes using different approaches. In recent years, one of the most promising approaches has been the determination of enzymatic activities. Generally, only a few enzymes have been analysed and related with other parameters, such as total carbon, nitrogenous content or microbial biomass carbon. The aim of this work was to investigate the possible use of the API ZYM strip, a semi-quantitative miniaturised system that determines 19 enzymatic activities, to study soil quality. To this end, we tested the system in different soil types, including albicArenosols, mollicLeptosols, rendzicLeptosols, haplicLeptosols, and calcaricRegosols. Fresh samples were sifted in a 2-mm sieve in the field and soil extracts were prepared by mixing 2-20 g (depending on the soil horizon characteristics) from each sample with 2-20 ml of sterile water. Next 65 μl aliquots of the supernatant extract were placed into each API ZYM microtube and were incubated at 37ºC for 16 h. Our results show significant qualitative and quantitative differences among the different soil types studied, with soil characteristics and biological properties correlating with biochemical parameters. The results provide useful information to not only assess soil quality, but also to determine soil degradation. As a whole, our results suggest that the use of the API ZYM system could prove most useful in different soil environmental studies. Finally, some suggestions are presented such as modifications to the system which could improve its application in this field.
dc.relation.ispartof European Journal of Soil Science, 2014, vol. 65, p. 286-294
dc.subject Sòls Qualitat
dc.title Determination of enzymatic activities using a miniaturized system as a rapid method to assess soil quality
dc.type journal article es_ES 2015-10-14T12:45:32Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1111/ejss.12123
dc.identifier.idgrec 061112
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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