Probing neutrino mass with multilepton production at the Tevatron in the simplest R-parity violation model

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Probing neutrino mass with multilepton production at the Tevatron in the simplest R-parity violation model

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Magro, M.B.; De Campos, F.; Éboli, O.J.P.; Porod, Werner; Restrepo, Diego; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003

We analyze the production of multileptons in the simplest supergravity model with bilinear violation of R parity at the Fermilab Tevatron. Despite the small R-parity violating couplings needed to generate the neutrino masses indicated by current atmospheric neutrino data, the lightest supersymmetric particle is unstable and can decay inside the detector. This leads to a phenomenology quite distinct from that of the R-parity conserving scenario. We quantify by how much the supersymmetric multilepton signals differ from the R-parity conserving expectations, displaying our results in the m0⊗m1/2 plane. We show that the presence of bilinear R-parity violating interactions enhances the supersymmetric multilepton signals over most of the parameter space, specially at moderate and large m0.
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