Large mixing angle oscillations as a probe of the deep solar interior

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Large mixing angle oscillations as a probe of the deep solar interior

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Burgess, C. P.; Dzhalilov, N. S.; Maltoni, Michele; Rashba, Timur I.; Semikoz, Victor B.; Tórtola Baixauli, María Amparo; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003

We re-examine the sensitivity of solar neutrino oscillations to noise in the solar interior using the best current estimates of neutrino properties. Our results show that the measurement of neutrino properties at KamLAND provides new information about fluctuations in the solar environment on scales to which standard helioseismic constraints are largely insensitive. We also show how the determination of neutrino oscillation parameters from a combined fit of KamLAND and solar data depends strongly on the magnitude of solar density fluctuations. We argue that a resonance between helioseismic and Alfven waves might provide a physical mechanism for generating these fluctuations and, if so, neutrino-oscillation measurements could be used to constrain the size of magnetic fields deep within the solar radiative zone.
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