Solar neutrino problem accounting for self-consistent magnetohydrodynamics solution for solar magnetic fields

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Solar neutrino problem accounting for self-consistent magnetohydrodynamics solution for solar magnetic fields

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Rashba, Timur I.; Miranda, O.G.; Peña Garay, Carlos; Semikoz, Victor B.; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2001

The analysis of the resonant spin-flavour (RSF) solutions to the solar neutrino problem in the framework of simplest analytic solutions to the solar magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) equations is presented. We performed the global fit of the recent solar neutrino data, including event rates as well as day and night recoil electron spectra induced by solar neutrino interactions in SuperKamiokande. We compare quantitatively our simplest MHD-RSF fit with vacuum oscillation (VAC) and MSW--type (SMA, LMA and LOW) solutions to the solar neutrino problem using a common well-calibrated theoretical calculation and fit procedure and find MHD-RSF fit to be somewhat better than those obtained for the favored neutrino oscillation solutions. We made the predictions for future experiments to disentangle the MHD-RSF scenario from other scenarios.
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