Charged Higgs boson and stau phenomenology in the simplest R-parity breaking model

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Charged Higgs boson and stau phenomenology in the simplest R-parity breaking model

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Akeroyd, A.G.; Díaz, Marco Aurelio; Ferrandis Alapont, Francisco Javier; García Jareño, Miguel Ángel; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1998

We consider the charged scalar boson phenomenology in the simplest effective low-energy R-parity breaking model characterized by a bilinear violation of R-parity in the superpotential. This induces a mixing between staus and the charged Higgs boson. We show that the charged Higgs boson mass can be lower than expected in the MSSM, even before including radiative corrections. We also study the charged scalar boson decay branching ratios and show that the R-parity violating decay rates can be comparable or even bigger than the R-parity conserving ones. Moreover, if the stau is the LSP it will have only decays into standard model fermions. These features could have important implications for charged supersymmetric scalar boson searches at future accelerators.
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