Neutrino mass and missing momentum Higgs boson signals

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Neutrino mass and missing momentum Higgs boson signals

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Díaz, Marco Aurelio; García Jareño, Miguel Ángel; Restrepo, Diego; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1998

In the simplest scheme for neutrino masses invoking a triplet of Higgs scalars there are two CP-even neutral Higgs bosons Hi (i=1,2) and one massive pseudoscalar A. For some choices of parameters, the lightest H1 may be lighter than the Standard Model Higgs boson. If the smallness of neutrino mass is due to the small value of the triplet expectation value, as expected in a seesaw scheme, the Higgs bosons may decay dominantly to the invisible neutrino channel. We derive limits on Higgs masses and couplings that follow from LEP I precision measurements of the invisible Z width.
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