A potential test of the CP properties and Majorana nature of neutrinos

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A potential test of the CP properties and Majorana nature of neutrinos

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Pastor Carpi, Sergio; Segura Sala, Javier; Semikoz, Victor B.; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2000

The scattering of solar neutrinos on electrons may reveal their CP properties, which are particularly sensitive to their Majorana nature. The cross section is sensitive to the neutrino dipole moments through an interference of electro-magnetic and weak amplitudes. We show how future solar neutrino experiments with good angular resolution and low energy threshold, such as Hellaz, can be sensitive to the resulting azimuthal asymmetries in event number, and could therefore provide valuable information on the CP properties and the nature of the neutrinos, provided the solar magnetic field direction is fixed.
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