Comparative characterization of a novel cad-cam polymer-infiltrated-ceramic-network.

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Comparative characterization of a novel cad-cam polymer-infiltrated-ceramic-network.

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Albero, Alberto es Pascual Moscardó, Agustín es Camps Alemany, Isabel es Grau Benítez, María es 2015-11-23T13:53:20Z 2015-11-23T13:53:20Z 2015 es
dc.identifier.citation Albero, Alberto ; Pascual Moscardó, Agustín ; Camps Alemany, Isabel ; Grau Benitez, María. Comparative characterization of a novel cad-cam polymer-infiltrated-ceramic-network.. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 2015, Vol. 7, No. 4: 495-500 es
dc.description.abstract Background: The field of dental ceramics for CAD-CAM is enriched with a new innovative material composition having a porous three-dimensional structure of feldspathic ceramic infiltrated with acrylic resins.The aim of this study is to determine the mechanical properties of Polymer-Infiltrated-Ceramic-Network (PICN) and compare its performance with other ceramics and a nano-ceramic resin available for CAD-CAM systems. Material and Methods: In this study a total of five different materials for CAD-CAM were investigated. A polymer- infiltrated ceramic (Vita Enamic), a nano-ceramic resin (Lava Ultimate), a feldspathic ceramic (Mark II), a lithium disilicate ceramic (IPS-e max CAD) and finally a Leucite based ceramic (Empress - CAD). From CAD-CAM blocks, 120 bars (30 for each material cited above) were cut to measure the flexural strength with a three-point- bending test. Strain at failure, fracture stress and Weibull modulus was calculated. Vickers hardness of each material was also measured. Results: IPS-EMAX presents mechanical properties significantly better from the other materials studied. Its strain at failure, flexural strength and hardness exhibited significantly higher values in comparison with the others. VITA ENAMIC and LAVA ULTIMATE stand out as the next most resistant materials. Conclusions: The flexural strength, elastic modulus similar to a tooth as well as having less hardness than ceramics make PICN materials an option to consider as a restorative material en_US
dc.subject Odontología es
dc.subject Ciencias de la salud es
dc.title Comparative characterization of a novel cad-cam polymer-infiltrated-ceramic-network. es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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