La formació del plural i la situació del gènere en el "Curial e Güelfa" dins del context del segle XV

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La formació del plural i la situació del gènere en el "Curial e Güelfa" dins del context del segle XV

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Martí Mestre, Joaquim
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

We study the situation of plurals in the «Curial e Güelfa» and, by extension, in the Catalan of the 15th century, analyzing particularly the possible subordinating factors of the distribution of plurals -es and -os of masculine words that finish in -s. The situation of plurals helps to confirm the dating of the novel in the middle of the 15th century. On the other hand, in the section of inflection of gender, the presence of forms that confirm the classicism of the novel is evident, as well as some Valencian preferences.
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