L'aragonés i el lèxic valencià: Una aproximació

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L'aragonés i el lèxic valencià: Una aproximació

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Martines Peres, Josep
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2002

This paper shows that the contact with Aragonese has shaped the structure of Valencian vocabulary. Many words traditionally accounted for as Valencian mozarabisms should rather be viewed as aragonesisms or castilianisms; some of them arrived in remote times, as the new Valencian Kingdom was being populated. The penetration of these words must have been strengthened when the linguistic reference model weakened as from the 16th century. The texts show, from early times, the coexistence of two synonyms (Aragonese/Catalan word) which, after a covariation period, ended up with the prevalence of the word closest to Aragonese (or to Spanish, in later periods). The old word was either given up or limited to specific senses and/or usage. Part of the vocabulary shared between Valencian and Aragonese areas appears all along the arc spanning from Navarre to Eastern Andalusia.
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