Estudi estilístic i contrastiu de l'arquitectura de l'oració.: estil segmentat vs.estil cohesionat

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Estudi estilístic i contrastiu de l'arquitectura de l'oració.: estil segmentat vs.estil cohesionat

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Cuenca Ordiñana, Maria Josep
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2000

After Serafini’s (1992) distinction between loose and cohesive style, this paper shows the influence of sentence syntax on text construction and interpretation. Several stylistic effects derived from the use of one style or the other will be discussed by analyzing and comparing some texts in Catalan, Spanish and English. This analysis will highlight common tendencies along with interesting differences among the three languages. In addition, the loose-cohesive style dichotomy will be applied to literary and journalistic discourse analysis, on the one hand, and to contrastive analysis and translation, on the other hand.
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